Arm – an Geld, Zeit und Perspektiven.
Sexy – abenteuerlustig, jung, dynamisch, mit Lust auf Privatleben und Arbeit.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Italians Struggle Against Decadence of University

“Only junk for the Italian University”. This is the message written on a 10 meters long banner at La Sapienza, University of Rome, where more than 20 thousand people protested against the “rubbish reform” of the educational system by the minister Gelmini. On the 17th of November, International Students’ Day, parents, professors, researchers and students gathered publicly to peacefully fight for the emancipation of education, inspired also by a new global wave of action for education.

Italian students’ networks and movements announce that, in the next weeks, occupations of university buildings will start and that on 27th of November students will participate to the national manifestation of the Cgil. Let’s MOVE!